Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Fun with Letters

This second assignment, dealing with the expression of letter forms, is based upon aggrandizement of the ego. This idea is communicated through the constant use of the "i" letter form, and excerpts from the resignation speech of one Richard Nixon--which I believe in itself is the essence of aggrandizement: misconstruing and building up a criminal action(s) into some sort of civil service because his supposed intent was for the good of the U.S. I communicate this concept through the use of choppy animations that alter the position and appearance of letter forms, but essentially leave the underlying message/image intact throughout much of the animation. Also, although I never use an actual button image or reference, this concept is analogous to one of my key concepts in the ongoing button project: aggrandizement through added complexity that changes the images/buttons somewhat, but fails to change the underlying image.

1 comment:

Marc Aaron said...

The movement and color pallet and choice of font move and work well together. The font choice lends itself to the subject matter. Although the progression of the statement was hard to follow. The beginning of the clip was hard to recognize, but that could be a desired affect.